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Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood with Stan Stennett and Johnny Tudor

Robin Hood 2008 starring John Barrowman, Paul Zerdin, Don Maclean, Mailnda Parris, Helen Baker, Peter Gallagher, Harry Smith, William Kenning, Natalia Pestova and Alexei Kislitsyn

Mother Goose 2008 starring Andrew Agnew, Liam Dolan, Adele Rankin, James McAnerney, Amy Scott and Stevie Hannah

Mother Goose 2008 starring Clive Rowe, Sharon D. Clarke, Kat B, Susie McKenna, Matt Dempsey, Tony Whittle and Tameka Empson (Eastenders)

The Wizard of Oz 2008 starring Dean Park, Steve Purdon, Derek Lord, Des McLean, Joyce Falconer, Cat Harvey and Douglas Sannachan

Beauty and the Beast 2008 starring Sue Hodge, Richard Calkin, Paul Squire, Alistair Horne, Oliver Thornton, Barrie Ryan English, Mark Willshire, Danielle Harvey and Kevin Archbold

Beauty and the Beast 2008 starring Linda Robson (Birds of a Feather, Loose Women), James Horne, Morgan Roberts, Gary Tushaw, Nigel Wild, Robert Breslin, Abigail Welford, Andrew Harding, Matthew Hales and Robert Blackwood

Goldilocks and the Three Bears 2009 starring Andrew Fettes, George Kelly, Michael James, Alex Taylor-Robertson, Jamie-Leigh Taylor, Conna Lee and The Rita Proctor Teensteppers

Goldilocks ad the Three Bears 2008 starring Ken Morley (Coronation Street), Patton Brothers, Darren Day, Stephanie Dooley (Emmerdale), Martin Gold, Marie Baines, Mervyn Francis, Liz Maher, Damien Patton and Beverley Jackson

Robinson Crusoe 2008 starring Clive Webb, Danny Adams, Chris Hayward, Phil Corbitt, Kathryn Rooney and Natalie Winsor,

Snow White pantomime poster starring Stephen Fry (Video only) , Tom Beard, Nick Aldis, Liza Goddard, Richard Gauntlett, David Hulston, Rosemary Ashe and Caitlin Stasey

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs starring Jade Goody, Rob McVeigh and Kevin Kennedy with Cat Sandison

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs from 2008 starring Vicki Michelle (Allo Allo), The Grumbleweeds, James MacKenzie, Polly Parsons and Spencer K. Gibbins.

Snow White 2008 starring Linda Lusardi, Sam Kane (Brookside), Kev Orkian, Gary Sharkey, Sarah Brown, Lucy Sinclair, and Antaris Duo

Snow White 2008 starring Mark Little (Neighbours), Craig Roberts, Kevin Tillett, Kate Emma Portlock and David Karl Handbill

Snow White 2008 starring Letitia Dean (Eastenders), Richard Cadell, Sooty & Sweep, Adam Daye, Laura Scott, Stephen Dean, Eloise Shutler, Kelly Ann Karn, Alex Smith, Abigail Porter, Ryan Waters, James Simpson, Chris Groom and Bowen Perrin

Snow White 2008 starring Stefan Booth (Eastenders), Niamh Perry, Nicole Faraday (Bad Girls), Martyn Knight and Carl Patrick

Snow White 2008 starring Kim Hartman, Jez Edwards, David Rumelle, Leon Hamilton, Vicki Davids and Richard Woodman

Snow White 2008 starring Sue Holderness (Only Fools and Horses, The Green Green Grass), Sylvester McCoy (Doctor Who), Simmons and Simmons, Jonathan Owen, Tom Solomon, Laura Sicurello, Allan Bennett, Josh Bennett, Sarah Bennett, Jamie Cameron, Jason Tomkins, Steve Williams, Simon Gangloff, Leann Young, Audrey Wilson, Jessica Bedford, Adam Jenkins, Nicola Mooney, Sophie Robinson, Lee Thompson, Claire Walters

Snow White 2008 starring Antonio Fargas, Russ Spencer (Scooch), Nikki Kelly (Hi De Hi), Francis and Wheatley, Simon Bashford, Kate Carrington and Tony Hudson

Snow White 2008 starring Emma Barton (Eastenders), Stephen Mulhern, Dave Lee, Ben Roddy, Valerie Cutko, Richard Hurst , Michael Caballero, Raymond Griffiths, Phil Holden, Darren Horan, Nick Read, Keijo Salmela and Brian Wheeler

Snow White 2008 starring Bobby Crush, Kim Taylforth, Ria Scott and Oliver Farnworth

Snow White 2008 starring Stu Francis, Bobbie Bennett, Nick Russell, Laura Christine Whitfield, Jamie John, Trevor Jones, Glyn Jones, Tony Cooper, Malcolm Dickson and Albert Wilkinson

Snow White 2008 starring Scott Wright (Coronation Street) and Jessica Negus

Snow White 2008 starring Victoria Scott, Chris Till, Paul James, Brigid Lohry, Hemi Yoroham and Simon Rawling

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs starring Michelle Gayle (Eastenders) and Mark Griffin (Trojan from Gladiators) with Jamie Wilson and Sean Luckham

Dick Whittington 2008 starring John Challis (Benidorm, Only Fools & Horses, The Green Green Grass), Kai Owen (Torchwood), John Evans, Lora Munro, Kate Galston and David Dale

Dick Whittington pantomime poster starring Jack Ryder (Eastenders), Adele Silva, Martyn Reed and Ed Stewart

Jack and the Beanstalk 2008 starring David Spinx, Ben Nicholas (Neighbours), Paul Laidlaw, Paul Burling, Scott St. Martyn, Kate Burrell and Claire Huckle

Jack and the Beanstalk 2008 starring Lynne McGranger (Home and Away), Kerry Newell, Frazer Hines (Emmerdale), Carolynn Good, Kevin McGreevy, Chris Casserly and Pablo Raybould

Jack and the Beanstalk 2008 starring Ian Reddington (Eastenders / Coronation Street), Pete Hillier, Steve Arnott, Charlie Cairoli and Emma Cannon

Jack and the Beanstalk starring Todd Carty

Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime poster starring Paul Shane (Hi De Hi) and Lucy Evans

Jack and the Beanstalk 2008 starring Richard Grieve (Neighbours, Hone & Away), Chris Mitchell, Mark Slowey, Lucy Hunter-James, Elouise Mayling, Will Stokes, Andrew Hamshire, Pierre Angus, Matthew Wadie, James Lomas and James Dinsmore

Jack and the Beanstalk 2008 starring Damar Martin 'Destroyer', Paul 'Bubble' Ferguson and Matthew Woolcott

Jack and the Beanstalk 2008 starring Lauren Drummond, Wayne Smith, Robbie Dee, Danielle Carson, Billy Walker and Tim Messent

Aladdin 2008 starring Ray Quinn (Brookside), Faye Tozer (Steps) (Coronation Street), Brian Capron, Chris Clarkson, Robert Kramer, Alex Bird, Alex McNamara, Daniel Stockton, Daniela Valvano, Fiona J Keats, Gareth Richards, Gary Davis, Holly Hughes, Lisa Bridge, Owen Thompson, Richard Hartley and Anthony Williams

Aladdin 2008 starring Donald McBride, Neil Armstrong, Bobby Dazzler

Aladdin 2008 starring John Lyons, Tony Howes, Simon Howe, James Cohen, Lisa Hanman, Steve Bruus and The Renleah Experience

Aladdin 2008 starring Peter Duncan, Kelle Bryan, Maurice Thorogood, John Brenner, The Citrus Brothers, Jonathan Eio, Gareth Davies, Louise Travis, Carolyn Roper and Miles Anthony

Aladdin 2008 starring Mike Newman Jnr, Nick George, Charlie Robinson, David Laurence, Ashley Claire Goddard and Nicolette George

Aladdin 2008 starring Debra Stephenson (Bad Girls), Basil Brush, Malcolm Lord, The Harper Brothers, Michael Brydon, Caddy Hopper, Gavin Storey, Hayley Hills, Vicky Field, Claire Ridgwell, Amy Lee, Francis Foreman, Matt Ratcliff, Matt Warren and Liam Lunis

Aladdin 2008 starring Phil Daniels (Eastenders), Kevin Sacre, Bobby Knutt (Benidorm), Damian Williams, Nina French, George Ikediashi, Roger Butcher and Reanne Farley

Aladdin 2008 starring Allan Stewart, Grant Stott, Johnny Mac, Tom Urie, Jo Freer and Nieve Jennings

Aladdin 2008 starring Ciaran Joyce, Jon Clegg, Sam Hiller, Andy Cryer and Charlotte Harwood

Aladdin 2008 starring Chris Gascoyne (Coronation Street), Antony Costa (Blue), Andy Jones, Ceri Dupree, Gemma James, Phillip Arran and Bonnie Smith

Aladdin 2008 starring Paul Michael Glaser, Sheila Ferguson, Dale Meeks, Steve Walls, Anthony Kavanagh, Jennifer Hubilla, Masashi Fujimoto, Sam Bradshaw, Rohan Richards, James Foster, Jack Gow, Marcus John Evans, Sophie Reid, Pierina Borrotzu, Eve Headley and Charlotte Owen

Aladdin 2008 starring Craig Phillips (Big Brother), Diane Youdale (Gladiators), Alex Hall, Colin Roberts and Terry Ashe

Cinderella starring Denise Nolan, Phil Gallagher and Caira Janson

Cinderella 2008 starring Bernie Clifton, Mark Two, Jamie Steen, Richard Carr, Helen Jeckells, Jonathan Parkin, Nick Murphy, Shelley Ann Rivers, Chris Quinn, Lee Thomas and David North

Cinderella 2008 starring Paul Daniels, Debbie McGee, Terry Gleed, Phillip Armstrong, Oliver Gray, James Dangerfield, Jennifer Potts and Adam MacNab

Cinderella pantomime poster starring Sean Wilson (Coronation Street) and Daniel Brocklebank (Emmerdale)

Cinderella 2008 starring Britt Ekland, Dominic Littlewood, Katie Marie Warsop, Richard Meek, James Muller, Paul Tate, Christopher James Jones, Suzie Chard, Maurice Lane, Bobby Windebank, Billy Mitchell, Lynsey Platts, Nikki Schofield, Kelly Ewins, Shona Williams, Jo Schofield and Lauren Cocoracchio

Cinderella pantomime poster starring Matt Milburn, Sherrie Hewson and Tara Wels Pele Productions

Cinderella 2008 starring Lisa Riley (Emmerdale, Loose Women), Martin Daniels, Nic Adams, Rodney Ward, Robert Pearce, Naomi Slater and The Jean Geddes Dancers & Juveniles

Cinderella 2008 starring Sandra Dickinson, Simon Fielding, Peter Whitfield, Nick Smithers, Sophie Ladds, Nathan Kiley, Robert Meadwell, Mat Ruttle, Vanessa Campbell, Chris Kayson, Sophie Linder-Lee, Rebecca Barnard, Liam Driscoll and Taz Antonio

Cinderella 2008 starring Joe Swash (Eastenders), Antony Stuart-Hicks, David Phipps-Davis, Max Martin, Dave Sanders, Andrea Poyser, Tara Verloop and Tom Yeates

Cinderella pantomime poster starring Cilla Black, Ted Robbins, Les Dennis, Jennifer Ellisson, Nick Pickard and Pete Price

Cinderella pantomime poster starring Mickey Rooney, Michelle Collins and Bobby Davro First Family Entertainment

Cinderella 2008 starring Lynette McMorrough, Paul Morse, Ian Ganderton, Colin Ridgewell (Grange Hill) and Claire-Louise Mealor

Cinderella 2008 Jimmy Osmond, Brian Godfrey, Darren Southworth, Peter Piper, Danielle York, Ryan Dawson, Andrew Stone and Emma Francis

Cinderella 2008 starring Lesley Joseph (Bird of a Feather), Matt Slack, Laura Evans, Martin Ramsdin, David Robbins, Chris Ellis Stanton, Trevor Jary, Kevin Brewis and The Amazing Flying Pegasus

Cinderella 2008 starring Billy Pearce with Hayley Tamadon (Emmerdale), Wayne Perrey, Jan Eric, Jay Worthy, David Beckford, Penni Tovey and Matthew Noble

Cinderella 2008 starring Brian Conley, Nigel Ellacott, Peter Robbins, Dawson Chance, Michelle Potter, Denise Pitter, Dean Chisnall, Eaton James, Toby James Anderson, Lorna Boulivent, Gemma Formaston, Aaron Sweeney Harris, Sergio Giacomelli, Nathan Holliday, Jessica Hosken and Hayley Ellen Scott

Peter Pan 2008 starring Leslie Grantham (Eastenders), Mark Jones, Toby Hull and Emu, Joe Tracini (Eastenders)

Peter Pan 2008 starring Joe Pasquale, Alex Giannini, Lila McGonigley, Kerry Egan, Charlie Bruce, Daniella Gibb, Andree Bernard and The Acromaniacs

Peter Pan 2008 starring Alan Fletcher (Neighbours), Keith Jack (BBCs Any Dream Will Do), Jordan Young, Jodie Jackson, Kelle Marie Walters and Allan McHugh

Peter Pan 2008 starring Paul Nicholas (Just Good Friends, Eastenders, Sunburn), The Krankies, Jack Montgomery, Amra-Faye Wright, Isobel Hathaway, Rochelle Neil and Becky John

Peter Pan pantomime poster starring Henry Winkler Louisa Lytton and Andy Ford