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Carry on...Spying, Doctor, Camping, Again Doctor, Henry, Matron, Abroad, Girls and Dick
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Carry on...Doctor and Up The Jungle
Frankie passed away 19th April 1992 aged 79 from heart failure

1948 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Wimbledon Theatre
1952 - Dick Whittington - London Palladium

1960 - Cinderella - Streatham Hall Theatre
1961 - Puss in Boots - Kings Theatre, Southsea
1962 - Puss in Boots - Coventry Theatre

1973 - Jack and the Beanstalk - London Palladium
1976 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Theatre Royal, Bath

1978 - Cinderella - New Palace Theatre Plymouth

1979 - Robinson Crusoe - Birmingham Alexander

1982 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Chichester Festival Theatre

1983 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Slough

1984 - Aladdin - Congress Theatre Eastbourne

1987 - Aladdin - Hexagon Theatre, Reading (Withdrew before rehearsals due to a knee injury)

1988 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Hanley


Carry on...Again Doctor, Loving, Henry, Matron, Abroad, Dick, At Your Convenience, Girls and Behind
Patsy passed away in 2005 after a battle with breast cancer          

1984 - Mother Goose - Theatre Royal Plymouth

1989 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Newcastle Upon Tyne

Carry on...Regardless and Screaming           

1983/84 The Wizard of Oz - Churchill Theatre, Bromley

1987/88 The Wizard of Oz - Horsham Arts Centre
2004 - Dick Whittington Seacombe Theatre


Fenella passed away on 11th September 2018 at 90 following a stroke

Carry on...Dick, Abroad, Matron, At Your Convenience, Loving, Again Doctor, Camping, Doctor, Cabby, Nurse, Regardless
Sergeant and Constable
Hattie passed away in 1980 after a heart attack 

1948- Sleeping Beauty - Players' Theatre London

1949 - Beauty and the Beast - Players' Theatre London

1950 - Ali Baba - Players' Theatre London

Carry on...Sergeant, Nurse, Teacher, Constable, Regardless, Cruising, Jack, Spying, Cleo, Cowboy, Screaming, Don't Lose Your
 Head, Follow that Camel, Doctor, Up the Kyber, Again Doctor, Camping, Loving, Henry, At Your Convenience, 
 Abroad, Matron, Dick, Behind and Emmanuelle
Kenneth passed away in 1988, the cause of death was an
overdose of barbiturates

1952 - Peter Pan - Bristol Hippodrome

1958 - Cinderella - London Coliseum

Carry on...Nurse, Teacher, Constable, Regardless, Cleo, Cowboy, Screaming, Don't Lose Your Head, Follow That Camel, Doctor,
 Up the Kyber, Again Doctor, Camping, Up the Jungle, Loving, Henry, At Your Convenience, Abroad, Matron, Girls, Dick,
 Behind, England and Emmanuelle
Joan passed away in 2001, the cause of death was liver failure    

1951 - The Happy Ha'penny - Citizen Theatre Glasgow

1984 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Richmond Theatre London

Carry on...Constable, Regardless, Cruising, Cabby, Cleo, Cowboy, Don't Loose Your Head, Doctor, Up the Kyber, Again Doctor,
Camping, Up the Jungle, Loving, Henry, At Your Convenience, Abroad, Matron, Girls and Dick
Sid passed away in 1976 following a heart attack which he suffered during a performance on stag

1962 - Puss in Boots - Coventry Theatre
1964 - Babes in the Wood - The Shrewsbury Granada
1965 - Babes in the Wood - London Palladium

1966 - Robinson Crusoe - Golders Green Hippodrome

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Carry on...Jack, Spying, Columbus         

1954 - Aladdin - Queen's Theatre Hornchurch

1981 - Mother Goose - Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford

1988 - Aladdin - Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford

1991 - Dick Whittington - Wimbledon Theatre

1996 - Aladdin - Richmond Theatre London

Carry on...Columbus         

2004 - Aladdin - The Old Vic, London

2016 - Sleeping Beauty - Richmond Theatre

Carry on...Columbus         

2005 - Aladdin - Pleasance Theatre

2010 - Peter Pan - Sheffield Lyceum

Carry on...Columbus         

2005 - Cinderella - Wimbledon Theatre

Carry on...Doctor, Follow That Camel        

1962 - Babes in the Wood - Gaumont Theatre Southampton

1967 - Cinderella - Coventry Theatre

1969 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Manchester Palace

1971 - Aladdin - Manchester Palace

1972 - Dick Whittington - Birmingham

1974 - Peter Pan - Gaumont Theatre Southampton

1976 - Dick Whittington - Congress Theatre, Eastbourne

1978 - Robinson Crusoe - Richmond Theatre

1979 - Robinson Crusoe - Birmingham Alexander
1980 - Babes in the Wood - Richmond Theatre, London

1986 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Wimbledon Theatre

1987 - Dick Whittington - Theatre Royal, Plymouth
1991 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Harlequin Theatre, Redhill

1999 - Peter Pan - Manchester Palace

2011 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Manchester Palace

2012 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Theatre Royal, Windsor

2014 - Cinderella - Grand Opera House, York

2015 - Cinderella - Kings Theatre, Southsea

2016 - Cinderella - Princess Theatre, Torquay

2017 - Snow White - King's Theatre ,Southsea

2018 - Dick Whittington - Theatre Royal, Windsor
2019 - No panto

2020 - No panto
2021 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Theatre Royal, Windsor

Anita was originally announced for the 2019 /20 season to star in Aladdin at the Theatre Royal Windsor but in September 2019 she pulled out having signed to star in the UK tour of Cabaret. Paul Nicholas would replace her. 



Video: 2015 panto launch

Carry on...Sergeant, Nurse, Teacher, Constable, Regardless, Cabby, Jack, Spying, Cleo, Cowboy, Screaming, Don't Lose Your
 Head, Follow That Camel, Doctor, Camping, Up the Kyber, Again Doctor, Up the Jungle, Loving, At Your Convenience, Henry, Matron and Abroad       
Charles passed away 1988 from peripheral vascular disease

1932 - Peter Pan - London Palladium

1965 - Mother Goose - ABC Theatre Stockton

1967 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Victoria Theatre Salford

1970 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Rhyl Pavilion

1974 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Festival Theatre Malvern

1976 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Tameside Theatre

1976 (March) - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Manchester Palace

1979 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Wyvern Theatre Swindon

Carry on...Abroad, Matron, Girls, Dick, Behind, England, Emmanuelle and Columbus
Jack passed away in 2000 from pneumonia

1955 - Dick Whittington - Shakespeare Theatre, Liverpool
1959 - Robinson Crusoe - Finsbury Park Empire

1960 - Cinderella - Birmingham Hippodrome
1963 - Humpty Dumpty - Grand Theatre Leeds

1964 - Cinderella - Oxford Apollo

1965 - Aladdin - Manchester Palace

1966 - Cinderella - London Palladium

1967 - Cinderella - Manchester Palace

1968 - Cinderella - Birmingham Hippodrome

1969 - Babes in the Wood - New Theatre Cardiff
1971 - Babes in the Wood - Theatre Royal Nottingham

1972 - Dick Whittington - Wimbledon Theatre

1975 - Aladdin - London Richmond Theatre

1976 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Theatre Royal Newcastle
1977 - Cinderella - Ashton Tameside Theatre

1979 - Cinderella - The Coventry Theatre

1980 - The Sleeping Beauty - Bournemouth Pavilion

1981 - Robinson Crusoe - Ashcroft Theatre Croydon

1982 - Cinderella - Alexandra Theatre Birmingham

1983 - Cinderella - Dartford Orchard

1984 - Treasure Island - Birmingham

1985 - Aladdin - Davenport Theatre

1986 - The Pied Piper of Hamelin Cliffs Pavilion Southend

1988 - Dick Whittington - Guildford Civic Hall

1990 - Robinson Crusoe - Theatre Royal Brighton

1991 - Cinderella - Marlowe Theatre Canterbury

1992 - Cinderella - Wycombe Swan, High Wycombe

1993 - Cinderella - Octagon Theatre Yeovil
1994 - Cinderella - Charter Theatre, Preston

1996 - Cinderella - Grand Theatre Blackpool

1999 - Cinderella -Southampton Guildhall

2001 - Cinderella - Crewe Lyceum

2002 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Rhyl Pavilion

2003 - Cinderella - Eastbourne

Carry on...Behind and England
Windsor  Davies passed away 17th January 2019 aged 88

1977 - Babes in the Wood - Wimbledon Theatre

1978 - Babes in the Wood - Davenport Theatre

1979 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Nottingham

1980 - Dick Whittington - London Palladium

1981 - Cinderella - Liverpool Empire

1982 - Babes in the Wood - Sunderland Empire

1983 - Babes in the Wood - Swansea Grand

1984 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Nottingham

1985 - Humpty Dumpty - Birmingham Hippodrome

1986 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Manchester Palace

1988 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Birmingham Hippodrome

1989 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Mayflower Theatre, Southampton

1990 - Cinderella - New Theatre Cardiff

1991 - Cinderella - Grand Theatre Leeds

1992 - Cinderella - Bournemouth Pavilion

1993 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Swansea Grand

1993 (March) - Peter Pan - Touring

1994 - Dick Whittington - Southampton Mayflower

1995 - Dick Whittington - New Victoria, Woking


Carry on...Screaming
Harry passed away in 1982 from a heart attack

1968 - Aladdin - Bournemouth Pavilion

1970 - Sleeping Beauty - New Theatre, Bromley

1973 - Robinson Crusoe - Princes Hall Aldershot

1974 - Cinderella - Casino Theatre London

1976 - Dick Whittington - Congress Theatre Eastbourne

1978 - Cinderella - Poole Arts Centre
1979 - Aladdin - Churchill Theatre, Bromley

1980 - Aladdin - Ashcroft Theatre Croydon

1981 - Dick Whittington - Swansea Grand

Carry on...Sergeant, Nurse, Teacher, Constable, Regardless, Cruising, Cabby, Cleo, Up The Jungle, Henry, Abroad, Matron, Girls,
Dick, Behind, England and Emmanelle
Kenneth passed away in 1993 following a battle with cancer

1965 - Babes in the Wood - London Palladium

1966 - Robinson Crusoe - Golders Green Hippodrome

1969 - Dick Whittington - London Palladium

1972 - Cinderella - Cheltenham Everyman

1975 - Aladdin - New Victoria Theatre, London

1976 - Dick Whittington - Theatre Royal, Norwich
1978 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Watersmeet, Rickmansworth

1981 - Robinson Crusoe - Ashcroft Theatre Croydon
1982 -  Cinderella - Richmond Theatre

1983 - Cinderella - Bristol Hippodrome

1984 - Jack and the Beanstalk -Richmond Theatre London


Carry on...Cowboy, Screaming, Follow That Camel, Doctor, Up The Kyber, Camping, Loving, Up the Jungle, At Your Convenience,
 Abroad, Matron, Girls, Dick and Behind
Bernard passed away in 1993 following a heart attack

1958 - Sleeping Beauty - London Palladium

1968 - Aladdin - Theatre Royal, Brighton

1969 - Aladdin - Bristol Hippodrome

1970 - Dick Whittington - Birmingham

1971 - Aladdin - Palace Theatre, Manchester

1974 - Babes in the Wood - Princess Theatre, Torquay

1975 - Mother Goose - New Theatre, Hull

1976 - Dick Whittington - Theatre Royal, Norwich

1977 - Cinderella - Bradford Alhambra

1978 - Robinson Crusoe - Richmond Theatre

1979 - Robinson Crusoe - Birmingham Alexander
1980 - Babes in the Wood - Richmond Theatre, London

1981 - Aladdin - Richmond Theatre London

1983 - Babes in the Wood - Theatre Royal Plymouth

1984 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Nottingham

1986 - Jack and the Beanstalk - De Montfort Hall Leicester

1987 - Cinderella - Palace Theatre, Manchester

1989 - Sleeping Beauty - Theatre Royal Plymouth
1990 - Aladdin - Theatre Royal Newcastle

Carry on...Cowboy, Screaming, Don't Lose Your Head, Camping, Follow That Camel, Up the Jungle, Doctor, Again Doctor,
Loving, Henry, Abroad, Girls, Dick, Behind, England and Emmanuelle
Peter passed away in 1979 following a heart attack  

1967 - Aladdin - Birmingham

1968 - Merry King Cole - Bradford Alhambra

1969 - Merry King Cole - Theatre Royal Nottingham

1972 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - New Theatre Cardiff

1974 - Babes in the Wood - Princess Theatre Torquay

1976 - Dick Whittington

1977 - Aladdin - Bournemouth Pavilion

1978 - Aladdin - Coventry Theatre


Below: Peter Butterworth as Dame in 1976

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Carry on...Cabby, Jack, Spying, Cleo, Cowwboy, Screaming, Don't Lose Your Head, Follow That Camel, Doctor, Again Doctor
 and Columbus

1966 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Ashcroft Theatre Croydon

Carry on...Nurse, Abroad, Girls and Columbus

Click here for June's panto history


June Whitfield passed away 28th December 2018 aged 93

Carry on...Sergeant, Up the Kyber, Camping, Up the Jungle, Henry and Matron
Terry passed away in 1994 following a battle with cancer

1954 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Connaught Theatre, Worthing
1961 - Babes in the Wood - New Theatre Oxford

1966 - Cinderella - London Palladium

1968 - Robin Hood - Wimbledon Theatre
1973 - Babes in the Wood - New Theatre, Oxford

1974 - Mother Goose - Richmond Theatre
1975 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Bradford Alhambra

1977 - Aladdin - Birmingham Alexandra

1978 - Aladdin - Congress Theatre, Eastbourne
1980 - Babes in the Wood - Richmond Theatre, London

1982 - Dick Whittngton - Bristol Hippodrome

1983 - Babes in the Wood - Theatre Royal Plymouth
1985 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Theatre Royal Bath

1986 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Yvonne Arnaud Guildford
1987 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon

Carry on...Cleo, Cowboy, Screaming and Columbus
Jon passed away in 1996 following a heart attack​


1953 - Cinderella - The London Palladium

1965 - Little Red Riding Hood - Wimbledon

1979 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Ashcroft Theatre Croydon

1985 - Super Ted The Panto - New Theatre Cardiff

1989 - Dick Whittington - Guildford Civic Hall

1990 - Aladdin - Beck Theatre, Hayes

2021 - Cinderella - Queen's Theatre, Barnstaple
2013 – Cinderella - Marina Theatre Lowestoft
2012 – The Wizard of Oz -  New Theatre Oxford
2011 – Cinderella - Connaught Theatre  Worthing
2010 – Cinderella - Bournemouth Pavilion
2009 – Cinderella - Rhyl
2008 – Cinderella - Blackpool Grand
2007 – Cinderella - Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage
2006 – Jack and the Beanstalk - Marlowe Theatre
2002 – Aladdin - Birmingham Hippodrome
2001 – Snow White - Alhambra Theatre Bradford

1987 - Aladdin - King's Theatre Southsea
1984 - Cinderella - Poole Arts Centre
1979 - Aladdin  - Churchill Theatre, Bromley

Carry on...Cleo and Cabby
Carry on...Columbus

2019 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - London Palladium

2018 - Snow White - London Palladium

2017 - Dick Whittington - London Palladium

2016 - Cinderella - London Palladium

2015 - Aladdin - Birmingham Hippodrome

2014 - Cinderella - Wolverhampton Grand

2013 - Jack and the Beanstalk - New Theatre Cardiff

2012 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Southampton Mayflower

2011 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Plymouth

2010 - Dick Whittington - Birmingham Hippodrome 

2009 - Cinderella - Hawth Theatre, Crawley

2006 - Dick Whittington - Royal & Derngate

2005 - Cinderella - Empire Theatre Liverpool

2004 - Cinderella - Bristol Hippodrome

2003 - Cinderella - Birmingham Hippodrome

2002 - Cinderella - New Victoria Woking

2001 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Richmond

2000 - Cinderella - Theatre Royal Brighton

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Dora Bryan
Carry on...Sergeant

1970 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Theatre Royal Brighton

1973 - Jack and the Beanstalk - London Palladium

1974 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Bristol Hippodrome

1975 - Babes in the Wood - The Playhouse, Bournemouth

1976 - Dick Whittington - Congress Theatre Eastbourne

1977 - Cinderella - Alhambra Theatre Bradford

1981 - Aladdin - Kings Theatre Southsea

1982 - Aladdin - Orchard Theatre, Dartford

1983 - Aladdin - Theatre Royal Bath
1985 - Aladdin - Theatre Royal Brighton

1991 - Dick Whittington - Yvonne Arnaud Guildford
1993 - Dick Whittington - Theatre Royal, Norwich

1997 - Cinderella - Yvonne Arnaud, Guildford

2000 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs  - Stag Theatre Sevenoaks

2001 - Peter Pan - Swansea Grand
2004 - Jack and the Beanstalk - Theatre Royal, Windsor

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Liz Fraser
Carry on...Regardless, Cruising, Cabby, Up the Jungle, Behind

1976 - Cinderella - Richmond Theatre
1983 - Cinderella - Gaumont Theatre, Doncaster
1985 - Cinderella - Oxford Apollo

1991 - Cinderella - Thorndike Theatre


in 2005 Liz pulled out of appearing in Jack and the Beanstalk at the Worcester Swan for personal reasons


Liz passed away 6th September 2018 of complications following an operation

Pat Coombs
Carry on...Doctor, Again Doctor

1976 - Emu in Pantoland - Shaftesbury Theatre


Pat Coombs passed away in 2002 aged 75

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Sally Geeson
Carry on...Girls, Abroad, Regardless

2014 Beauty and the Beast - Theatre Royal Windsor

Jacki Piper
Carry on...Matron, At Your Convenience, Loving, Up the Jungle

1996 Cinderella - Wyvern Theatre, Swindon
1997 Cinderella - Beck Theatre, Hayes

2004 Jack and the Beanstalk - Bournemouth Pavilion

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Jack Smethurst
Carry on...Sargent

1982/83 Cinderella – Tameside Theatre
1983/84 Aladdin – Reading Hexagon
1992/93 Puss in Boots - Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage
1996/97 Robin Hood - Grand Opera House York

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Janet Mahoney
Carry on...Loving

1974 Babes in the Wood - Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon
1980 Aladdin - Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon
1981 Jack and the Beanstalk - Churchill Theatre, Bromley
1982 Cinderella - Richmond Theatre

1985 Babes in the Wood - Richmond Theatre

1986 Jack & The Beanstalk - Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford

1987 Babes in the Wood - Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford

Leon Green
Carry on...Henry, At Your Convenience, Don't Lose Your Head

1973 Jack and the Beanstalk - London Palladium
1979 Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Yvonne Arnaud, Guildford
1981 Aladdin - Birmingham Hippodrome
1983 Babes in the Wood - Theatre Royal, Plymouth
1985 Aladdin - Theatre Royal, Plymouth
1987 Mother Goose - Churchill Theatre, Bromley
1990 Aladdin  - Theatre Royal, Bath
1991 Robinson Crusoe - Congress Theatre, Eastbourne
1992 Babes in the Wood - New Theatre, Cardiff
1994 Babes in the Wood - Churchill Theatre, Bromley
2003 Aladdin - Theatre Royal Norwich

Henry McGee
Carry on...Emmannuelle

1981 Cinderella - Wimbledon Theatre
1983 Jack and the Beanstalk - Lewisham Concert Hall
1992 Babes in the Wood - New Theatre, Cardiff
1993 Dick Whittington - Theatre Royal, Norwich
1998 Puss in Boots - Theatre Royal, Windsor
2002 Aladdin - Theatre Royal, Windsor

Sarah Crowe
Carry on...Columbus

1986/87 Robinson Crusoe - Cambridge Arts Centre

Julian Orchard
Carry on...Henry, Doctor, Follow That Camel

1976/77 Cinderella - Richmond Theatre

Angela Douglas
Carry on...Up The Kyber, Follow That Camel, Screaming, Cowboy

1985/86 Dick Whittington - Chichester Festival Theatre

Carol Hawkins
Carry on...Abroad, Behind

1973/74 Babes in the Wood - Richmond Theatre
1974/5 Jack and the Beanstalk - Southampton Guildhall
1975/76 Aladdin - Southampton Guildhall
1976/77 Cinderella - Broxbourne

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