1888/89 - The Forty Thieves (Theatre Royal)
Mons Trewery
Fred Eastman
Joe Edmonds
Arthur Forrest
Phylis Broughton
1889/90 - Robinson Crusoe (Theatre Royal)
Marie Loftus
George Wright
Brown Newlands
1890/91 - Blue Beard (Theatre Royal)
James Danvers
Walter Andrew
Belle Bilton
Florrie Austin
Harry Rosenthal
1891/92 - Little Bo Beep (Theatre Royal)
Bessie Wentworth
Fanny Robini
Alice Maynard
Florence Burle
Witty Watty Walton
Will Bishop
George McCulloch
R.H. Douglas
F. Cook
Ernest Shand
1892/93 Dick Whittington (Theatre Royal)
Vesta Tilley
Florence Burle
Edward Lewis
Walter Passmore
Harry Fisher
1893/94 - Aladdin (Theatre Royal)
Amy Auguarde
Jose Shalders
Lionel Regnold
Edwin Barwick
Colin Coop
Horace Mills
Marion Sabian
Blanche Wallis
1894/95 - Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Amy Auguarde
Lizzie Aubrey
Eric Thorne
Fred Wright
J.C. Piddock
May Clarke
Harry Brayne
Horace Mills
1895/96 - Sinbad The Sailor (Theatre Royal)
Marie Loftus
Mark Sheridan
Millicent Marsden
Electra Trio
Lillian Stanley
Ernest Shand
Archer Richie
Darnley Bros
1896/97 - Robin Hood (Theatre Royal)
Vesta Tilley
Alexina Glouroy
Alfred Saker
Edward Lewis
1897/98 - Puss In Boots (Theatre Royal)
Tennyson & O'Gorman
Marco Twins
Picton Roxborough
Madge Merry
Marion Ayling
1898/99 - Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Evie Green
Mark Sheridan
Nelly Christie
Florrie Austin
Lily Landon
Harry Lupino
Regan & Ryan
1899/00 Robinson Crusoe (Theatre Royal)
Marie Loftus
Evelyn De Worms
J.B. Montague
Harry Taft
Robert Hale
O.E. Lennon
Beatty & Bentley
Nora Emerald
Mary Turner
1900/01 - Aladdin (Theatre Royal)
Stella Gastelle
Harry Tate
Kelly & Gillette
Octavia Barry
Dan Crawley
Griffiths Bros
Carlotta Levey
1901/02 Dick Whittington (Theatre Royal)
Mark Sheridan
Drew & Alders
Sam Mayo
Gus W. Blake
Florence Baines
Kate Vesey
Florrie Austin
1902/03 Beauty and the Beast (Theatre Royal)
Jessie Merrilees
Dora Dichl
Zena Dare
Wilkie Bard
Nelly Stratton
Horace Mills
Jas. Dixon
Helley & Meeley
Harry Lupino
Lupino Lane
1903/04 - Jack and the Beanstalk (Theatre Royal)
J.T. McMillan
George Robey
Hilda Jackson
Marie Ashton
Ethel Hayden
Florence Jamison
1904/05 The Forty Thieves (Theatre Royal)
Annie Purcell
George Lashwood
Harry Claff
Fred Griffiths
Pearl Lyndon
Tom Murray

1905 Aladdin (Theatre Royal)
Harry Lauder
Dan Crawley
Imro Fox
Jose Collins
Bessie Featherstone
Alice Russon
Florence Wray
Birdie Sutherland
Barrett & Knowles

1906/07 Dick Whittington (Theatre Royal)
F.W.F. Frame
Will Evans
Bransby Williams
Lena Vere
Downes & Langford
Mena Brae
Madoline Rees
Edna Morgan
1907/08 Babes in the Wood (Theatre Royal)
Mark Sheridan
Harry Conlin
Daisy Dormer
Lily Iris
Gladys Cooper
Jane Eyre
Marie Ashton
Betty Green
Hermione Lester
1908/09 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Harry Dent
George Robey
Iris Hoey
Will Garvey
Violet Lorraine
Meg Hamilton
Edith Krikwood
P. Sundberg
1909/10 Aladdin (Theatre Royal)
Bessie Butt
Harry Tate
Harry Claff
Regan & Ryan
Doris Deane
Dorothy Firman
Happy Fanny Fields
Malcolm Scott

1910 Red Riding Hood (Theatre Royal)
Harry Lauder
Ed. Lewis
May Lilian Levey
Harry Brayne
Cressie Leonard
Maudie Thorne
1911/12 Little Jack Horner (Theatre Royal)
Dorothy Ward
Topsy Sinden
Dora Frank-Harvey
Shaun Glenville
James A. Watts
Queen & Le Brun
Jack Lane
Harry Downaid
1912/13 The House That Jack Built (Theatre Royal)
Billy Merson
Fred Barnes
Gladys Soman
Daisy Yates
Ida Yalli
Ivey Latimer
Joe Nightingale
W. Fullbrook
Leonard Barry
Reg Crompton
Hess & Lisbon
1913/14 0ld King Cole (Theatre Royal)
Clara Beck
Ivey Latimer
Betty Green
Queenie Preston
John Humphries
Frank Fort
Alick Lauder
1914/15 Little Miss Muffett (Theatre Royal)
Nancy Langtyre
Maie Ash
Ernie Mayne
Fred Allandale
Marriot Edgar
Alick Lauder
1915/16 Babes in the Wood (Theatre Royal)
Winifred Roma
Nancy Hanton
Violet Leicester
Bertha Collins
Tiny Passow
Myra Rosaline
Naughton & Gold
Lillie Soutter
J.H. Wakefield
Clarke's Comedy Cyclists
1915/16 Little Boy Blue (Theatre Royal)
Pearl Grey
Haidee de Rance
Jack Straw
Tom Purslow
The Murrattis
1916/17 Sinbad The Sailor (Theatre Royal)
Ivey Latimer
Winnie Volt
Tom D. Newell
Denise Sutherland
Little Tich
George Jackley & Le Sine
Maisie Ayling
Percy Yorke
1917/18 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Daisy Dormer
Mona Magnet
Marie Brayman
Nora Stockelle
Edith Blande
Edith Williams
Jimmy Pullin
Fred Lamp
Alfred Wellesley
George Green
William Black
Lydia & Francis
Six Merry Macs
1918/19 Red Riding Hood (Theatre Royal)
Belle Mora
Lottie Collins
Maudie Francis
Gertrude Kaye
Haidee de Rance
Dainty Danes
La Pia
The Anartos
W.L. Rowland
Ernest Selig
Harry Courtin
The Lisbons
1920/21 - Humpty Dumpty (Theatre Royal)
Will Fyffe
Nancy Benyon
Sparkling Mozelles
Will Evans
Agnes Croxton
Royal Merry Four
Ray Holgate
Nora Emerald
1921/22 Robinson Crusoe (Theatre Royal)
Will Fyffe
Florence Helm
Lillie Souttar
Hilda Denton
Larkum Brothers
Albert Felino
Jack Hurst
Ballard Brown
De Rio
Renee & Rengard
Six Merry Macs
1921/22 Dick Whittington (Coliseum)
Lily Morris
Jack Edge
Winifred O'Connor
Burley and Burley
Jimmy Beresford
John E. Conan
Elsa Cowie
Vera Cowie
Cormack O'Shank
Kitty Vivian
Chas Wakeman
Will Hallett
1922/23 Sinbad The Sailor (Theatre Royal)
Vera Pearce
Agnes Croxton
June Mills & WM. Innes
Rex London
Juillette De Gal
Billy Rowlands
Will Atom
Hal Bryan
Les Klicks
Laveen & Cross
Clair Forster
1923/24 Puss In Boots (Theatre Royal)
Will Fyffe
Hilda Denton
Rita M'Lean
Mabel Tait
The Anartos
Ray Holgate
Hall, Neil & Dacey
Lily Evans
1924/25 Aladdin (Theatre Royal)
Jenny Hartley
Blanche Tomlin
Nellie Wallace
Mark Lupino
Du-For Boys
Albert Darnley
Hubert Carter
Lilian Gilbert
1925/26 Humpty Dumpty (Theatre Royal)
Irene Lister
Irene Hamilton
Will Fyffe
Albert Le Fre
Ray Holgate
Fred Knight
Lily Evans
Trixie Andre
Jack Curtis
1926/27 Sleeping Beauty (Theatre Royal)
G.S. Melvin
Neil M'Kay
Kitty Reidy
Stella Brown
Lilian Low
J. Craig
Charles Paton
Lilian Gilbert
Mark Turner
Joan Lawson
J. Carrodus
1927/28 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Naughton & Gold
Lily Lapidus
Gladys Cruikshank
Betty Jumel
Teddie Butt
C. Jones
Victor Thomas
Dave Bruce
Teddy Fox
1928/29 Humpty Dumpty (Theatre Royal)
Georgie Wood
Ella Retford
Dan Leno Jnr
Hal Bryan
Thelma Burness
Arthur Conquest
Baby Love
Marjorie Daw
Brown & Lahart
Harold Kelly
J.R. Connor
1929/30 Sleeping Beauty (Theatre Royal)
Tommy Lorne
Alma Barnes
Victor Crawford
Babs Valerie
W.S. Percy
Betty Bailey
Alice Simons
Frank Attree
Nat Mills & Bobby
Olive Prosser
Schishtls Wonderettes
Jock Bell & Partner
1930/31 Goldilocks And The Three Bears (Theatre Royal)
Tommy Lorne
Alma Barnes
Babette O'Deal
Tommy Toms
W.S. Percy
Olive Dyer
Herbert Langley
Peter McSweeney
Betty Bailey
Alice Simons
Valerie Coales
Michael Arnaud
1931/32 - Dick Whittington (Theatre Royal)
Fay Compton
Harry Gordon
Yvette Anning
Jack Holden
Johnny Fuller
Tom D. Newell
Two Hearns
Franklyn Tilton
Alison Stewart
Jimmy M'Kinlay
John Trevor
Betty Bligh
1932/33 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Tommy Lorne
W.S. Percy
Dorothy Langley
Louise Witting
Joan Cole
Nellie Bowman
Peter McSweeney,
Tommy Toms
Monica & Pat Daly
Francis Donking
John Harcourt
Hartmann Troupe
Valerie Coales
1933/34 Babes In The Wood (Theatre Royal)
Tommy Lorne
Jean Colin
Neta Underwood
Rich & Galvin
Beryl Beresford
W.S. Percy
Clayton Sisters
Josephine Bradley
Denis Vane
Hazel Gay
John Harcourt
Valerie Coales
Tom Cable
1934/35 Mother Goose (Alhambra)
1934/35 Goody Two Shoes (Theatre Royal)
Gillie Porter
Joyce Barbour
Leila Mlada
Walter Amner
W.S. Percy
Marion Lincoln
Renee Foster
Patrick Gilbert
Gwendoline Bateman
Harry Seymour
Shaw & Weston
Lala Miranda
Vadio & Hertz
1935/36 Dick Whittington (Theatre Royal)
Albert Burdon
Nancy Fraser
Valerie Hay
St John Sisters
Griffiths Moss
Tom Cable
Smith Quartette
Gwen May
Hazel Gay
Wally Mark
Beate Bradna
Three Loose Screws
Teddy Joyce Band
1936/37 - Jack and the Beanstalk (Theatre Royal)
Ivy Tresmand
Shaun Glenville
Griffiths Brothers
Babs Valerie
Baby Terry
Bert Brownbill
Dick Montague
Marjorie Brown
Three Pirates
Joe Jackson
Four Franks
Iris Kirkwhite
Hartmann Troupe
Eric Fort

1937/38 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Dave Willis
Marjery Wyn
Joan Brett
Florence Hunter
Cliff Harley
1938/39 Aladdin (Alhambra)
1938/39 Robinson Crusoe (Theatre Royal)
Dave Willis
Jean Adrienne
Cecil Frederick
Cliff Harley
Buntry Meadows
Leo Franklin
William Thomson
Ilona Ross
Valerie Coales
Jimmy M'Kinlay
Toni Raglan
Florence Hunter
Felicity Andreae
Ford & Carlton
Arnaud, Peggy & Ready

1939/40 Cinderella (Alhambra)
1939/40 Goldilocks And The Three Bears (Theatre Royal)
Dave Willis
Elizabeth French
Trudi Binar
Cliff Harley
Jewell & Warriss
Florence Hunter
Leslie Conway
Jean Inglis
Edna Simmons
Ed Morelle
Bettine Brown
Gordon Dickson
John Silver Trio

1940/41 The Sleeping Beauty (Alhambra)
Alec Finlay
Evelyn Laye
Marjorie Browne
Hilda Meacham
Jack Holden
Harry Gordon
1940/41 Babes In The Wood (Theatre Royal)
Dave Willis
Elizabeth French
Chevalier Brothers
Tom Cable
Lorely Dyer
Cliff Harley
Robinson Twins
William Thomson
Florence Hunter
Jimmy M'Kinlay
Brenda Catherill
Arnaud, Peggy & Ready
1941/42 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
Dave Willis
Nita Croft
Edna Wood
Eve Lister
Gaston Palmer
Dave & Joe O'Gorman
Cliff Harleu
Florence Hunter
Domini Callaghan
Maurice Colleano & Co.
1942/43 Robinson Crusoe (Theatre Royal)
Jewell & Warriss
Helene Cooney
Doreen Duke
Douglas Herald
Tom Kinniburgh
Toni Raglan
Nancy Gabrielle
Yvonne Jacques
June Kenworthy
Dreda Marlowe
Geo. & Jack D'Ormonde
Ganjou Brothers
Iris Sadler
1945/46 Cinderella (Theatre Royal)
George West
Nancy Brown
Betty Leslie-Smith
Olly Barrett
Ann Wheatley
Rita Bernard
Lena Brown
Yale Brothers
Helen Crerar
Trisha Linova
The Whitneys
Edna Squire-Brown
1946/47 Babes in the Wood (Alhambra)
1946/47 Mother Goose (Theatre Royal)
George Lacy
George West
Helen Crerar
Daphne de Wit
Jocelyn Ellis
Wilcox Brothers
Alex Lennox
Joyce Byrne
Elizabeth Miller
Harry Cranley
Jenny Hayes
Roy Arlen
Ian Jarvis
Hank the Mule
Rita Dow
1947/48 The Sleeping Beauty (Theatre Royal)
George West
Eddie Henderson
Carol Eric
Eddie Reindeer
Wilson Keppel & Betty
Les Pierrotys
Cleef & Moroney
Betty Leslie-Smith
Constance Stocker
Nancy & Molly Munks
Josephine Campbell
Lisa Brionda
Airdrie Ladies' Pipe Band
1948/49 Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Pavilion)
Jack Anthony as Jackie Wackie
Marcia Owen as Richard
Bond Rowell as Baron Hardup
Jeanetee as Goldilocks
Bertha Ricardo as Nanny Perky
Hermon Wells as Demon
Richard Adams as Humpty
Irene Campbell as Fairy Bluebell
with Ruseell Paterson, Hermon Wells, The Vernon Sisters, Little Annette and Constance Rae

1951/52 Aladdin (Alhambra)
1952/53 Jack and the Beanstalk (Alhambra)

1954/55 Aladdin (Theatre Royal)
Alec Finlay
Stanley Baxter
1956/57 Babes in the Wood (Alhambra)
Rikki Fulton
Jimmy Logan
1957/58 Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Pavilion)
Jack Milroy
The Patton Brothers
1957/58 Mother Goose (Alhambra)
Stanley Baxter
Duncan Macrae
Kenneth McKellar
Fay Lenore
The George Mitchell Singers
Six Flying De Pauls
Rena Steele
Peter Johnston
Mary Millar
Tony Snape
Maryon Leslie
Marjorie Holt
Denise Shaune
1958/59 Sinbad the Sailor (Alhambra)
Jimmy Logan
David Hughes
Sheila Paton
Rikki Fulton
Bill Devlin
Peter Bentley
John Mulvaney
Clement Ashby
Paul & Peta Page
Hassani Troupe
Jeremy & Gillian Sutcliffe
The George Mitchell Singers
1959/60 Goody Two Shoes (Alhambra)
Alec Finlay
Jack Tripp
Sheila O'Neill
Ann Howard
1960/61 A Wish For Jamie (Alhambra)
Clement Ashby
Mary Benning
Rikki Fulton
Russell Hunter
Fay Lenore
Doris McClure
Kenneth McKellar
Paul & Peta Page
Ethel Scott
Reg Varney
The George Mitchell Singers
The Geraldo Orchestra and dancers of Western Theatre Ballet
1961/62 A Wish for Jamie (Alhambra) - This is not an error, the same panto played 2 year's running

1962/63 A Love For Jamie (Alhambra)
1963/64 A Love For Jamie (Alhambra)

1964/65 A Wish For Jamie (King's)
1965/66 A Love For Jamie (King's)
1966/67 The World of Jamie (KIng's)

1966/67 Cinderella (Alhambra)
Stanley Baxter
Ronnie Corbett
Lonnie Donegan

1967/68 Aladdin (King's)
Rikki Fulton
Lonnie Donegan
Lisa Noble
David Ellen

1968/69 The World of Jamie (King's)

1971/72 Mother Goose (King's)
Stanley Baxter
John Grieve
Patricia Michael
Ian Paterson

1972/73 Aladdin (King's)
Denny Willis
Stuart Gillies
Billy Rusk
Bill McCue
Paula Hendrix
Pat Lancaster
1973/74 Cinderella (King's)

1974/75 Robinson Crusoe (King's)
Rikki Fulton
Larry Marshall
Una McLean
Walter Carr

1975/76 Babes in the Wood (King's)
Jimmy Logan
Russell Hunter
Fiona Kennedy
Martin Cochrane

1976/77 Jack and the Beanstalk (King's)
Stanley Baxter
Patricia Michael
Peter Kelly

1977/78 Sleeping Beauty (King's)
Rikki Fulton
Una McLean
Walter Carr

1978/79 Aladdin (King's)
Jimmy Logan
Peter Kelly
Patricia Michael
Emerson & Jayne

1979/80 Sinbad the Sailor (King's)

1980/81 Cinderella (King's)
Stanley Baxter

1981/82 Babes in the Wood (King's)
Rikki Fulton
Jack Milroy
Maggie Ryder
Tony Roper
Gregor Fisher
Mary Lee
Jacqui Scott
Martin Dell
Pam Jones
Michael Garland
Richard Holloway
Douglas Anderson

1982/83 Jack and the Beanstalk (King's)
Jimmy Logan
Andy Cameron
Una McLean

1983/84 Mother Goose (King's)
Stanley Baxter
Angus Lennie (Crossroads)
Marie Gordon-Price

1984/85 Sleeping Beauty (King's)
Rikki Fulton
Gregor Fisher
Walter Carr
Jan Wilson

1985/86 Sinbad (King's)
Una McLean
Johnny Beattie
Jackie Farrell
Fletcher Mathers
Emerson & Jayne
Edmund Dehn

1986/87 Aladdin (King's)
Stanley Baxter
Alan Curtis
John Ramage
Judith Hibbert
Fletcher Mathers
Euan McIver
Bill Clement
Simon Lahbib

1987/88 Cinderella (King's)
Rikki Fulton
Walter Carr
Jan Wilson
Jackie Farrell
Martin Heller
Kate Matheson
Judy Mars
Safka Green
Lindsay Rhodes
Ben Kelly

1988/89 Jack and the Beanstalk (King's)
Jimmy Logan
Una McLean

1989/90 Mother Goose (King's)
Gerard Kelly
Walter Carr

1990/91 Babes in the Wood (King's)
Gerard Kelly

1991/92 Cinderella (King's)
Stanley Baxter

1992/93 Aladdin (King's)
Gerard Kelly
Una McLean
Jonathan Watson

1992/93 Jack and the Beanstalk (Pavilion)
Andy Cameron
Dean Park

1993/94 Dick Whittington (King's)
Allan Stewart
Christopher Biggins
Sandy Morton
Jane Danielle
Charles Kearney
Derek Holt
Nicola Park
Arlene Stuart
Grant Stott

1994/95 Sleeping Beauty (King's)
Gerard Kelly
Les Dennis (Family Fortunes)

1994/95 Goosey Goosey Glasgow (Pavilion)
Andy Cameron
Dorothy Paul

1995/96 Babes in the Wood (King's)
Cannon and Ball as The Robbers
Grant Stott as Little John
Jimmy Logan as Nurse
David Greer as Robin Hood
Vivienne Carlyle as Maid Marion

1995/96 Aladdin (Pavilion)
The Krankies
Linda Nolan as Aladdin
Eunice Huthart as Genie
Russell Lane as Emperor
Mike Hayward as Abanazar

1996/97 Cinderella (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Gerard Kelly
John Leslie (Blue Peter, This Morning)
Barbara Rafferty
Grant Stott
Jan Wilson

1997/98 Aladdin (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Gerard Kelly

1997/98 Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood (Pavilion)
Andy Cameron
Maurice Roeves
Phil McCall
Gary Denis
Nadine McKenzie
Ray Jeffries
John McIssac

1998/99 Sleeping Beauty (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)

1998/99 The Magical Adventures of Pinocchio (Pavilion)
The Krankies
Jimmy Cricket
Craig Elliott
Derek Lord
Nicola Park

1999/00 Mother Goose (King's)
Gerard Kelly

2000/01 Cinderella (King's)
Gerard Kelly

2001/02 Babes in the Wood (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
2001/02 Aladdin (Pavilion)
The Krankies
Derek Lord
Gary Hollywood (Mrs Brown's Boys)

2002/03 Aladdin (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Gerard Kelly

2002/03 Cinderella (Pavilion)
The Krankies

2003/04 Sleeping Beauty (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Gerard Kelly
Juliet Cadzow

2003/04 The Magical Adventures of Pinnochio (Pavilion)
The Krankies
Gary Hollywood (Mrs Brown's Boys)

2004/05 Mother Goose (King's)
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Gerard Kelly

2004/05 Jack and the Beanstalk (Pavilion)
The Krankies
Barry Lord
Derek Lord

2005/06 Cinderella (First Family Entertainment) King's
Gerard Kelly
Joe McFadden
Juliet Cadzow
Jonathan Watson

2005/06 Aladdin (Pavilion)
Stephen Purdon
Derek Lord
Tony Roper
Ryan Fletcher

2006/07 Aladdin (First Family Entertainment) King's
Eric Potts
Gerard Kelly
Julie Wilson Nimmo
Peter Kelly

2006/07 The Magical Adventures of Peter Pan
Dean Park
Cameron Stout
Cat Harvey
Stephen Purdon

2007/08 Sleeping Beauty (First Family Entertainment) King's
Gerard Kelly
Karen Dunbar
Dawn Steele
Gavin Mitchell

2007/2008 Cinderella (Pavilion)
Cat Harvey
Dean Park
Derek Lord
Joyce Falconer
Cameron Stout

2008/09 Cinderella (First Family Entertainment) King's
Gerard Kelly
Karen Dunbar
Andy Gray

2008/09 The Wizard of Never Woz (Pavilion)
Dean Park
Des McLean
Joyce Falconer
Stephen Purdon

2009/10 Aladdin (First Family Entertainment) King's
Keith Jack (Any Dream Will Do)
Gerard Kelly
Karen Dunbar
2009/10 The New Adventures of Pinocchio (Pavilion)
Dean Park
Stephen Purdon
Cat Harvey
Joyce Falconer

2010/11 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (First Family Entertainment) King's
Darius Campbell (Pop Idol)

2010/11 Aladdin (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dancing on Ice) as Aladdin
The Krankies

2010/11 The Magical Adventures of Robin Hood (Pavilion)
Jim Davidson (Big Break, The Generation Game, Home James)
Colin & Justin
Dean Park
Cat Harvey

2011/12 Sleeping Beauty (First Family Entertainment) King's
Keith Jack (Any Dream Will Do)
Karen Dunbar

2011/12 Robinson Crusoe (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dancing on Ice)
The Krankies

2011/12 The Magical Adventures of Peter Pan (Pavilion)
Jim Davidson (Big Break, The Generation Game, Home James)
Johnny Mac
Dean Park
Cat Harvey

2012/13 Cinderella (First Family Entertainment) King's
Karen Dunbar as Fairy Godmother
Des Clarke as Buttons
Steven McNicoll as Dandini
Jenny Douglas as Cinderella
Gavin Mitchell and Gordon Cooper as The Ugly Sisters
Kieran Brown as Prince Charming
John Ramage as Baron Hardup

2012/13 Jack and the Beanstalk (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dancing on Ice)
The Krankies
Ashleigh Gray

2012/13 The Wizard of Never Woz (Pavilion)
Johnny Mac
Stephen Purdon
Dean Park
Michelle McManus (Pop Idol)

2013/14 Aladdin (First Family Entertainment) King's
Karen Dunbar
Des Clarke
Gavin Mitchell
Jenny Douglas

2013/14 Dick McWhittington (Qdos) SEC
John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dancing on Ice)
The Krankies
Ashleigh Gray

2013/14 The New Magical Adventures of Pinnochio (Pavilion)
Johnny Mac
Dean Park
Michelle McManus (Pop Idol)

2014/15 Peter Pan (First Family Entertainment) King's
Greg McHugh
Des Clarke
Gavin Mitchell
Scott Fletcher
Joanne McGuinness

2014/15 Cinderella (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dancing on Ice)
The Krankies
Melanie Masson

2014/15 Treasure Island
Johnny Mac
Stephen Purdon
Michelle McManus
Cat Harvey
Leah MacRae
Holly Jack

2015/16 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (First Family Entertainment) King's
Gregor Fisher
Des Clarke

2015/16 Peter Pan (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
David Hasslehoff (Knight Rider, Baywatch)
The Krankies
Michelle McManus (Pop Idol)

2015/16 Santa Clause is Coming to Town (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Stephen Purdon
Dean Park
Leah MacRae
Nicola Park

2016/17 Cinderella (First Family Entertainment) King's
Gregor Fisher
Des Clarke
Tony Roper
Gary Lamont
Gillian Ford

2016/17 Aladdin (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
Marti Pellow (Wet Wet Wet)
Johnny Mac

2016/17 Elfie's Magical Adventure (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Stephen Purdon
Grado (Two Doors Down)
Nicola Park

2017/18 Sleeping Beauty (Qdos Entertainment) King's
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Johnny Mac
Paul-James Corrigan
Juliet Cadzow

2017/18 Jack and the Beanstalk (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
Gary Tank Commander
The Dolls

2017/18 The Wizard of Never Woz (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Stephen Purdon
Grado (Two Doors Down)
Dean Park
Nicola Park
Joyce Falconer

2018/19 Aladdin (Qdos Entertainment) King's
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Johnny Mac
Paul-James Corrigan
George Drennan
Anne Smith
Lisa Lynch
Ross Logan
Amy Kent
Ruth Warren

2018/19 Cinderella (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
The Krankies
Gavin Mitchell
Jonathan Watson
Keith Jack (Any Dream Will Do)
Frances Thornburn
Gemma Lawson
Peter Vint
Ellie Wilson
Luke Bennett

2018/19 Cinderella (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Stephen Pudon
Grado (Two Doors Down)
Joyce Falconer
Alyson Orr
Chris Taylor
Clark Stewart
Chris Scougal

2019/20 Jack and the Beanstalk (Qdos Entertainment) King's
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Johnny Mac
Jonathan Watson (Two Doors Down)

2019/20 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Qdos Entertainment) SEC
Gary: Tank Commander
Doon Mackichan
Leah MacRae
Frances Thorburn

2019/20 Pinocchio (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Stephen Purdon
Grado (Two Doors Down)
2020/21 (Kings Theatre) No panto due to Covid-19
2020/21 Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Pavilion)
2021/22 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Tron Theatre) POSTPONED TO 2022 DUE TO SOCIAL DISTANCING
Johnny McKnight
2021/22 Cinderella (Kings Theatre) Crossroads Pantomimes
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down) as Fairy Godmother
Johnny Mac as Buttons

2021/22 Cinderella (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Alyson Orr
Scott Fletcher
Chris Scougal
Julie Matheson
Stephen Purdon
Nicola Auld
Clark Stewart
2021/22 Aladdin (SEC) Crossroads Pantomimes
Gary Tank Commander
Leah MaCrae
Gavin Mitchell was replaced by Sanjeev Kohli before rehearsals started due to illness
Blythe Jandoo
Brian James Leys

2022/23 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Tron Theatre)
Johnny McKnight

2022/23 Beauty and the Beast (Kings Theatre) Crossroads Pantomimes
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Johnny Mac
Darren Brownlie
Blythe Jandoo
2022/23 Cinderella (SEC Armadillo) Crossroads Pantomimes

2022/23 Aladdin (Pavilion)
Liam Dolan
Scott Fletcher
Nicola Park
Jack Jester
Stephen Purdon
Brooke Thomson
Wullie Brennan
2023/24 Snow White and the Seve Dwarfs (Kings Theatre) Crossroads Pantomimes
Elaine C Smith (Two Doors Down)
Johnny Mac

2022/23 Treasure Island (Pavilion)