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Brendan Cole (Pro Dancer series 1-15)
2004/05 Cinderella - Victoria Theatre, Halifax
2018/19 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Wycombe Swan, High Wycombe
2019/20 Aladdin - New Victoria, Woking
2020/21 No panto
2021/22 Robin Hood - White Rock, Hastings
2022/23 Peter Pan - His Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen

Anton Du Beke (Pro Dancer series 1-18 / Judge series 19 - present)
2021/22 Cinderella - Richmond Theatre, London
2022/23 Jack and the Beanstalk - Churchill Theatre, Bromley

Vincent Simone (Pro Dancer series 4-10)
2018/19 Snow White - London Palladium

Flavia Cacace-Mistry (Pro Dancer series 4-10)
2018/19 Snow White - London Palladium
2022/23 Jack and the Beanstalk - Worthing Pavilion

Robin Windsor (Pro Dancer series 8-11)
2015/16 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Venue Cymru
2017/18 Aladdin - Bridlington Spa
2018/19 Aladdin - Palace Theatre Redditch
2019/20 Aladdin - Theatre Royal St Helens
2020/21 No panto
2021/22 Beauty and the Beast - Worthing Pavilion

Craig Revel Horwood (Judge series 1-present)
2009/08 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Venue Cymru
2010/11 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Hawth Theatre, Crawley
2011/12 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Orchard Theatre, Dartford
2012/13 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Wycombe Swan, High Wycombe
2013/14 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Cliffs Pavilion Southend
2014/15 Peter Pan - Orchard Theatre, Dartford
2015/16 Peter Pan - Wycombe Swan, High Wycombe
2016/17 Peter Pan - Churchill Theatre, Bromley
2017/18 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Mayflower Theatre, Southampton
2018/19 Cinderella - New Victoria Theatre Woking
2019/20 Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - Opera House, Manchester
2020/21 No panto due to Covid-19
2021/22 Cinderella - Mayflower Theatre, Southampton
2022/23 Cinderella - Bristol Hippodrome
2023/24 Cinderella - New Wimbledon Theatre

Arlene Philliips (Judge series 1-6)
2016/17 Dick Whittington - New Wimbledon Theatre

Camilla Dallerup (Pro Dancer series 1-6)
2013/14 Cinderella - Bridlington Spa
2014/15 Cinderella - Pomegranate Theatre, Chesterfield
2015/16 Cinderella - Worthing Pavilion

Bruce Forsyth (Presenter series 1-11)
1957/58 Puss in Boots - Southsea
1958/59 Sleeping Beauty - London Palladium
1959/60 Robinson Crusoe - Palace Theatre Manchester
1961/62 Turn Again Whittington - Manchester
1962/63 Turn Again Whittington - Bristol Hippodrome
1968/69 Aladdin - Wimbledon Theatre
1969/70 Babes in the Wood - New Theatre Oxford
Forsyth passed away in 2017 aged 89

Brian Fortuna (Pro Dancer series 6-7)
2011/12 Aladdin - Royal & Derngate Northampton
2013/14 Peter Pan - St Helens Theatre Royal

Shirley Ballas (Judge series 15-present)
2018/19 Jack and the Beanstalk - Liverpool Empire
2019/20 Jack and the Beanstalk - Darlington Hippodrome
2020/21 Cinderella at Blackpool Winter Gardens POSTPONED TO FOLLOWING YEAR DUE TO COVD-19
2021/22 Cinderella at Blackpool Winter Gardens CANCELLED
2021/22 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Assembly Rooms, Tunbridge Wells

Kristina Rihanoff (Pro Dancer series 6-13)
2018/19 Peter Pan - Theatre Royal St Helens

James Jordan ( Pro Dancer Series 4 - 11) & Ola Jordan (Pro Dancer Series 4-13)
2019/20 Jack & The Beanstalk - Harlequin Theatre, Redhill

AJ Pritchard (Pro Dancer series 14-19)
2019/20 Peter Pan - Grove Theatre Dunstable
2021/22 Cinderella - Wolverhampton Grand
2022/23 Cinderella - De Montfort Hall, Leicester

Ian Waite (Pro Dancer series 2-7)
2019/20 Cinderella - Worthing Pavilion
2022/23 Cinderella - Theatre Royal, Lincoln

Joanne Clifton (Pro Dancer series 12-14)
2019/20 Cinderella - Sheffield Lyceum
2020/21 no panto
2021/22 Jack and the Beanstalk - Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury
2022/23 Cinderella - Grove Theatre, Dunstable
2023 Easter panto tour - Rapunzel
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