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Trouble with T-Bag (1985)
T-Bag Strikes Again (1986)
T-Bag Bounces Back (1987)
Turn on to T-Bag (1988)
T-Bag's Christmas Cracker (1988)
T-Bag and the Revenge of the T.Set (1989)
T-Bag's Christmas Carol (1989)
Pantomime history:
1979 Babes in the Wood - Bournemouth Pavilion

Trouble with T-Bag (1985)
T-Bag Strikes Again (1986)
T-Bag Bounces Back (1987)
Turn on to T-Bag (1988)
T-Bag's Christmas Cracker (1988)
T-Bag and the Revenge of the T.Set (1989)
T-Bag's Christmas Carol (1989)
T-Bag and the Pearls of Wisdom (1990)
T-Bag's Christmas Ding Dong (1990)
T-Bag and the Rings of Olympus (1991)
T-Bag's Christmas Turkey (1991)
Take Off With T-Bag (1992)
T-Bag and the Stone of Montezuma (1992)
Pantomime history:
1994/95 Cinderella - Leeds City Varieties

T-Bag and the Pearls of Wisdom (1990)
T-Bag's Christmas Ding Dong (1990)
T-Bag and the Rings of Olympus (1991)
T-Bag's Christmas Turkey (1991)
Take Off With T.Bag (1992)
T-Bag and the Stone of Montezuma (1992)
Pantomime history:
1992/93 Cinderella - Theatre Royal Norwich

T-Bag and the Revenge of the T.Set (1989)
T-Bag's Christmas Carol (1989)
T-Bag and the Pearls of Wisdom (1990)
Pantomime history:
1993/94 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Central Theatre, Chatham
1994/95 Beauty and the Beast - Beck Theatre, Hayes
1995/96 Beauty and the Beast - Barnsley Civic
1998/99 Peter Pan - New Victoria, Woking

Guest stars who also appeared in pantomime include....
T-Bag Strikes Again 1986
Jack Haig, Roy Barraclough, Jan Hunt, Brenda Cowling
T-Bag Bounces Back 1987
Tony Haygarth, Bernard Bresslaw, Jan Hunt
Turn on to T-Bag (1988)
Aubrey Woods
T-Bag and the Revenge of the T.Set (1989)
Martino Lazzeri, Frank Thornton
T-Bag and the Pearls of Wisdom (1990)
Paul Bradley, Gudrun Ure, Jan Hunt, Aubrey Woods
Listen to the full version of the T-Bag theme tune here
[MP3FY] Original T-Bag Theme (Summer WitArtist Name
00:00 / 01:44
Listen to the TV version of the T-Bag theme tune here
[MP3FY] T-Bag theme tuneArtist Name
00:00 / 00:47
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